2) David Brooks interprets the country's political divide through the lens of a fundamentally changing economic landscape (The New York Times)
3) The Obama Campaign shows a bit of hypocrisy on fair pay - women working at the White House earned 18 percent less than men in 2011 (Washington Free Beacon)
4) A liberal writer argues that the president must better articulate how economic fairness will lead to economic growth (The Daily Beast)
5) Author Jim Robbins on the importance of trees (New York Times)
We would also like to welcome Philip Hsu of Social Media Consulting, LLC to Conflict Revolution. Phil will be helping to handle our social media outreach in addition to contributing occasional written content. Look out for his name at the bottom of our posts and be sure to contribute your thoughts on what he has to say. Welcome again, Phil!
It's Friday the 13th and it's 2012... so stay out of trouble today, readers. Stay tuned for an email debate between Steve and I later in the day and, as always, be sure to share your thoughts on today's links in our comments section.
RE: 3), as if right on cue, the Obama Campaign releases a video touting "Equal Pay" and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act