CONFLICT REVOLUTION is the brainchild of Georgetown graduates Stephen Siena and Matthew Buccelli, who built a friendship in 2008 out of crass and sometimes intelligent political debate.  And while the winds of the working world have carried us to separate cities, the interconnecting powers of the internet insure a reliable forum for continued discussion.  Through the expression of our political opinions, we are determined to show that young people care about the issues facing our generation, and to open the door for our peers to join the discussion.  
As we grow, expect to hear from us in a variety of formats - from the op-ed, to the occasional video chat, to the kind of robust and informed back and forth that is sorely missed when we spend all of our time in the media echo chambers that only serve to reinforce our own viewpoints.
We envision this website becoming a platform for many others to stay engaged and submit their views, and we encourage any and all comers to share their perspectives.