Thursday, June 28, 2012

Rapid Reax: Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare

It's a great day for individual responsibility, as the Supreme Court held this morning that the individual health care mandate, and most of the rest of President Obama's 2010 health care law, is in fact constitutional.  Somewhere, the pre-2008 edition of the cyborg known by his friends as Mitt Romney is rejoicing. 

The blogosphere is abuzz with reaction to the decision, and Stephen and Matt joined in by engaging in a bit of pre-emptive sniping on Twitter this morning.  Here's a sampling:

I know, I know.  But if that was exhausting to read, just imagine how difficult it was to take so many screen shots. 

More reaction to come, along with some court analysis from CR Chief Legal Correspondent Stephen DeGenaro, who Conflict Revolution enthusiasts may remember wrote this recap of the oral arguments on the health care case in March. 

Stay safe out there folks, and watch out for the job killers.  Now that Obamacare is constitutional, they're everywhere...

1 comment:

  1. Read or download the full SCOTUS ruling here:

    ..Or the Liberal House of Huffington analysis here:
