1) If President Obama is a "snob," what does that make Rick Santorum?
Tea Partiers Against College -- For Other People's Kids (The Daily Beast)
Former Bush Speechwriter and accused RINO (Republican In Name Only) David Frum comments on Santorum's characterization of Barack Obama as a "snob" for... wanting everyone to go to college (seriously). This is an awfully bold statement for a man with both a law degree AND an MBA, who has two kids in college and whose own father held a Ph.D. Not that there's anything wrong with that - hats off to the Santorum family for their academic achievements. And for those who would pillory the deposed Senator and crack presidential candidate excessively, let's be clear that there's nothing wrong with NOT earning a liberal arts degree - people are smart in different ways, and the real failure of our education system is that we've placed such an emphasis on training future office workers that individuals with different sets of talents are overwhelmingly the ones who fall through the cracks.
What's worse though: wanting everyone to have some form of secondary education (Obama), or protecting that privilege for your family but insisting that others can do without it?
More reading pleasure after the jump...